Remember that "feeling" you would get as you played? You started off calm, cool and collected... after all, you've got plenty of time! But after one or two misplaced pieces the sound of the timer would begin to get to you... you'd go a little faster, and a little faster, and a little faster so that by the time you got to the end you were nearly frantic!
Sometimes, you would win. But other times you'd be "so close" and then here that fatal noise...
And there would go all of your puzzle pieces.
Rob and I have decided that our shower at the apartment reminds us of this game.
The fact is... scalding hot water is going to come shooting out of the shower head at least 10-15 times during an average 10 minute shower. The only thing you have control over is doing your best to be standing as close to the back of the shower as possible when it happens.
You lather up with soap, stick out your hand and wait for the next "scalding episode" to happen -- then, as soon as it's over, you quickly jump under the water to rinse off. The goal is to be rinsed and standing in the back of the shower before the next scalding episode occurs.
You usually have anywhere from 30 seconds to a minute.
The worst is when you're washing shampoo out of your hair, because for one thing it takes longer than just rinsing soap off of your body, and if you "miss" and get scalded the water is pouring down your head, face and shoulders.
In effort to make the best out of a hot situation, we've turned it into a game...
kind of like Perfection.
"I took a 15 minute shower and only got scalded once!!"
"Wow, I was really out of it today... it got me 6 times!"
As fun as this game is, I have to say we are both looking forward to being able to take a long, relaxing shower while thinking about things such as what's on your "to do" list for the day, your plans for the upcoming weekend, or even thinking nothing at all instead of having to constantly calculate how many seconds you've been standing under the water :)
In any case though, the shower has made for quite a few laughs over the past 3 months.
Only 19 more days to go :)
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