We first looked into building last fall, but decided to wait until closer to the wedding to get the ball rolling. We put a deposit down on a lot in January, and put our house on the market the 2 days after returning from our honeymoon.
3 days later, our house sold! We were SO excited, and SO blessed to have sold it so quickly!!
On March 28th, 2011 they broke ground on our lot. I'm sure the neighbors were laughing when 7 people showed up to look at "THE ditch" that had been dug in the ground that day -- every single one of us posing for pictures, laughing and pointing as we said "This is where the living room will be! The kitchen goes over here!"
As I looked around our lot that night, and at all of our happy family members, I knew that choosing to live at Vintage was definitely the right decision for us.
That was two months ago. We closed on our house on April 18th and were blessed enough to find an apartment on Craigslist that a couple was wanting to sublease for the summer. The lease is the perfect length of time for us, and even has a small (I mean, tiny!) yard for the puppies, which I have decided is our own little gift from God :)
It has been so much fun watching our house go up! When it is finished it will be just over 2000 square feet, with 3 bedrooms and an office. We were able to reconfigure the design of the master suite and really make it our own, and I cannot wait until our first night in the house when I can sink into our huge whirpool tub and stay there for at least an hour!!
I'm sure I'll be updating on the house pretty often over the next few months, but here's a picture of the construction so far:
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