West Texas is currently in the middle of the worst drought on record. The last time was had any significant rainfall was back in October... but hopefully that will change soon!
Nana has told us a story about how when my great-grandmother was little, they would run to the cellar anytime they saw a cloud like this one blowing in! If you didn't know what it was, it would look really scary.
Last night we had rain all over the area... although we didn't get much in Lubbock, there were several places that got near an inch.
One thing we DID get here though was a big dirt storm blowing in off the back of a cloud that was further south. We had a few minutes of 60-70mph winds and a LOT of blowing dust! I was out the barn meeting the hay delivery guy right before it hit, and snapped this great picture --
I managed to get out of the barn just as the dirt wall arrived -- I had only had the car door shut for a few seconds before everything was completely surrounded by dirt. You could hardly see anything!
I managed to get in front of it a bit while driving home... here's a picture of it blowing in behind me:

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