Today is one of those boring posts... and one of the reasons I don't go out of my way to share the link with everyone. Really, who would be interested in reading this but us??
Rob had to work yesterday, so we had a lot of fun being lazy around the apartment today!
Rob had to work yesterday, so we had a lot of fun being lazy around the apartment today!
I woke up early to go feed the horses and make a trip to the grocery store, then headed back home where we parked ourselves on the couch for a couple of hours to relax and hang out with the puppies.
Of course, we were watching HGTV (one of our favorites) which inspired us to get up and get ready for an afternoon trip to the Parade of Homes!!
We very rarely have to get ready for the day at the same time, and since our bathroom counter is rather small I usually let Rob do his thing and then do my hair and makeup after he's gone to work each morning.
We had a lot of fun today... elbowing each other while he was putting in his contacts and I was putting on my mascara :)
Plato enjoyed himself too... I don't know what it is about this apartment that makes him feel like he is suddenly entitled to get on the bed (which has NEVER been allowed) but Rob told him to "go lay down" and up he went onto the bed. Crazy dog!! I took a quick picture before making him go to HIS bed :P
The Parade is one of our favorite local events each year... we just LOVE going around to all the big new houses, looking at all the fancy decor and getting "dreaming" ideas for later. It was particularly fun this year since we're building -- there were a lot of "OH we should do that" and "Oh my gosh, whatever you do, don't do that!" comments as we walked around to each of the homes :)

There are 3 neighborhoods participating this year... and we only made it to one today -- The Trails at Regal Park. It looks like they're kind of trying to copy the "neighborhood feel" of Vintage... but if you ask me they've definitely fallen short! The homes were gorgeous though, no denying that!
After traipsing around in and out of the 102 degree afternoon for a couple of hours, and with our home decor itch satisfied, we came back home for more puppy cuddling and, you guessed it, more HGTV :)
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