Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Newlywed Life

Well, it's only been just over 4 months since our wedding, and already our life has been virtually nothing but a whirlwind of changes. Aside from all the major things going on in our life, there are little things happening almost daily that make us laugh, make us scream or make us wonder if we are losing our minds which cause us to think: We should write this down so we can laugh about it later!
It's really those "little things" that made me first think about blogging.
What really made me jump in and get started though was a conversation I had over breakfast about a week ago with Mrs. Herron -- the founder of the school I attended from 1st - 12th grade -- in regards to journaling. She has been keeping a journal for YEARS and already has over 60 full journals completed. She said to me... "I only wish I had started at your age"
So, here we are :)

As I said, our wedding was just over four months ago. In that time we have:

  • Put our house on the market

  • Sold the house

  • Began building a new house

  • Fixed up an old barn to move Maggie to

  • Moved into a "until our house is finished" 1 bedroom apartment (with 3 dogs.)

  • Made a career change

  • Bought a horse

Thankfully all the exciting things going on have made the time just fly by and we are now approximately 57 days away from moving into our new, beautiful home in Vintage Township!

Words cannot express to what degree I am ready to get out of this apartment, and to be honest it's probably a good thing I wasn't blogging the first few weeks we were here because all I would have been doing was creating documentation of my negativity.

After about a month of settling in though, apartment living isn't that bad. I would not choose to live in a 1 bedroom apartment with 3 dogs and a husband forever... but we really are very blessed to have found the place we did.

Things I am looking forward to most about our new house:

  • Having a bathtub that is not too disgusting to sit down in

  • Having a place to put my desk other than the middle of the dining room :)

Things Rob is looking forward to most about our new house:

  • The Xbox Room

  • A "real" kitchen, which means his wife might actually cook again

All three dogs are looking forward to a HUGE yard to play in, and April is probably looking forward to not being a fugative anymore (We call her our little Osama dog because she's in hiding... shhhh the apartment doesn't know she lives here!!)

So that is basically our life right now in this moment -- playing the waiting game, appreciating what we already have and looking forward to what is coming.

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