Friday, July 22, 2011

T-minus 2 Weeks and Counting!

We are OFFICIALLY 2 weeks away from closing!!!

I've said all along that living in this apartment would REALLY make us appreciate our house more, but I don't think I even understood how much so until recently. I know we would still be very excited, no matter where we had been living for the past 3 months, but this apartment has made the thought of our upcoming move that much sweeter :)

Now don't get me wrong... this apartment has been good to us. And I am not at all knocking apartment-living in general. But the combination of the 1-bedroom apartment with 3 dogs, having almost everything we own in storage, and the actual apartment unit we ended up with has us really looking forward to the day we lock the door never to return!

The house is really starting to look great! They have finished the paint, trim, cabinet work and have the yard all ready for Dad's crew to come in and start next week. Our appliances are in the garage awaiting installation as well as all of our light fixtures.

Really, the only major things left to do are:

  • countertops

  • flooring

  • finishing the outdoor paint (garage door, porch railing, front door)

  • yard

  • appliances

I'm sure there are a million little things left to do that we haven't even thought of, but we spoke to the builder today and he said we are still completely on track for closing on August 5th!


Thursday, July 21, 2011

Riding :)

Until purchasing Kenney 2 months ago it had been 4 years since I'd had a horse. Even with Rocket being as big of a pain as he was, I still enjoyed being able to go out to the barn whenever I wanted and just hang out. Riding was like therapy to me, and I have missed it SO much!

Since selling Rocket I have said that my #1 requirement in my next horse would be personality. Of course I had other things on my wish list too, but to me it wouldn't matter how much training a horse had if he wasn't fun to be around.

After two months of owning Kenney I can honestly say I succeeded -- he has one of the best personalities of any horse I've ever met! He keeps me smiling all the time, and genuinely loves being around people.

On top of his personality, he also has the perfect amount of training for what I'm wanting to do right now -- he knows just as much as do, so I can go out and ride by myself (without lessons), work on the skills that I'm sure have suffered a bit of neglect over the past 4 years, and not get bored.

I'm having so much fun coming home after each ride and finding articles online to help me work on different things we're having trouble with, or stopping in the middle of a ride and thinking through all the things I know Lisa would say if she was there.

Since I'm not really trying to learn anything new, I have confidence that I'm not going to teach myself or Ken any bad habits... and I know that being able to get my skills back up to speed will REALLY help me when I do get ready to start taking lessons and showing again! My progress by working on my own is definitely a lot slower than by taking lessons... but it gives me something to do and I'm having a lot of fun, which is really all I'm looking to do right now :)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Officially Mrs. Ramirez :)

Okay call me lazy, a procrastinator, or anything else you want but today I FINALLY made it down to the DPS to get my name changed on my drivers license.

To be honest, I have been waiting on the new house to be ready so that I could change my name and address at the same time -- and we are finally close enough to moving in that by the time my new license arrives at 11404 Topeka, there will actually be a mailbox there for the postman to leave it in :)

It was a relatively painless trip to the DPS though, and I was in and out with a new last name in under 30 minutes. Who would have thought it could be so easy? :)

Monday, July 18, 2011

More and more shopping :)

We really need to hurry up and move in so I will stop buying so many new things :)

Between not seeing 85% of our belongings for the past 3-4 months (including all of our wedding gifts... which we literally boxed up the week after our honeymoon), and then all of our new purchases it's going to feel like we're not only moving into a brand new house, but filling it with all brand new things too!

We really haven't bought THAT much stuff though, and I am very happy with the purchases we have made, including the things we bought yesterday.

We found some barstools we both love at (who would have guessed? :)), and can't wait for them to come in... I can already imagine us sitting down for dinner at the bar in our kitchen each night, and I know these stools are going to really be put to great use!

We also made a trip to Bed Bath and Beyond and Target to purchase the few remaining items on our wedding registry. I was SHOCKED at how little was left... our friends and family truly blessed us at our wedding!

There were a few things we still wanted though, so this weekend we bought a waffle maker, measuring cups, a new trash can, kitchen soap dispenser, guest bathroom accessories, a cake dome, and a welcome mat for the front door with a big "R" on it!

We came straight home and put it all in a box so it's sitting here waiting on the move -- we move in on a Friday and my goal is to have the kitchen in order enough to be able to cook waffles Sunday morning!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

POP Goes Perfection!!

I'm sure just about everyone remembers this unnerving childhood game where you set the timer and do your very best to get all the puzzle pieces put into their proper place before the POP that sends them all flying into the air again.

Remember that "feeling" you would get as you played? You started off calm, cool and collected... after all, you've got plenty of time! But after one or two misplaced pieces the sound of the timer would begin to get to you... you'd go a little faster, and a little faster, and a little faster so that by the time you got to the end you were nearly frantic!

Sometimes, you would win. But other times you'd be "so close" and then here that fatal noise...


And there would go all of your puzzle pieces.

Rob and I have decided that our shower at the apartment reminds us of this game.
The fact is... scalding hot water is going to come shooting out of the shower head at least 10-15 times during an average 10 minute shower. The only thing you have control over is doing your best to be standing as close to the back of the shower as possible when it happens.

You lather up with soap, stick out your hand and wait for the next "scalding episode" to happen -- then, as soon as it's over, you quickly jump under the water to rinse off. The goal is to be rinsed and standing in the back of the shower before the next scalding episode occurs.

You usually have anywhere from 30 seconds to a minute.

The worst is when you're washing shampoo out of your hair, because for one thing it takes longer than just rinsing soap off of your body, and if you "miss" and get scalded the water is pouring down your head, face and shoulders.

In effort to make the best out of a hot situation, we've turned it into a game...

kind of like Perfection.

"I took a 15 minute shower and only got scalded once!!"


"Wow, I was really out of it today... it got me 6 times!"

As fun as this game is, I have to say we are both looking forward to being able to take a long, relaxing shower while thinking about things such as what's on your "to do" list for the day, your plans for the upcoming weekend, or even thinking nothing at all instead of having to constantly calculate how many seconds you've been standing under the water :)

In any case though, the shower has made for quite a few laughs over the past 3 months.
Only 19 more days to go :)

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Closing Date :)

We FINALLY got a closing date on our house yesterday!!

Friday, August 5th, will be our first official night in our new home!

Something about having a closing date makes everything seem closer. I began packing yesterday, and have 3 boxes done so far... not a lot, but most of what we have is in storage so we really don't have much to pack.

The house is coming along too -- the painters and tile people are there right now, and as of last night the trim and cabinets inside were all painted and both bathroom showers were being tiled.

It's starting to feel real... like oh my goodness we're really moving!

Only 20 days to go!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Goodbye, Dear Friend.

Well, tonight it ends. We've known it was coming for years now, but that doesn't make the moment any less climactic. I've read the book a million times... so many times that I know I will not be suprised by any of the scenes in tonight's movie. There will probably be nothing that makes me oooh or ahhh... the images on the screen are simply the same as those that have been in my head for the past 4 years, finally brought to life in a way that others can enjoy them too.

If you're not a Harry Potter fan, this post will probably make you laugh. But if you are, then you not only understand where I'm coming from... but you are feeling the exact same things yourself.

Since reading the last page of the first book we have always had the anticipation of "what's next" -- a new book, a new movie, a new theme park -- but tonight when we walk out of that theater we will know that there is no "next". This is it. The Harry Potter story is over.

I wonder if J.K. Rowling realized how powerful the text she was writing would come to be? I'm sure she didn't... as I'm sure no one could have. After all, who could have predicted that 7 books written about an orphan-boy-grown-wizard would capture the world's attention in the way that it did?

Over the past 11 years I have read the Harry Potter books no less than 11 times -- re-reading them at least once a year, and sometimes twice. I put fake covers over the "evil" books in order to be able to take them to school, because the administration had banned them and dismissed them as wrong.

If only someone in the administration had read them. They would realize what amazing story it truly is... and how many lessons could have been learned from their pages.

To me, the story of Harry Potter is the ultimate story of Good v. Evil. Of Life v. Death. It's a love story.

The story of an orphan boy, saved from evil by nothing other than the self-sacrifice and love of his own mother... thrown into a world where he was never loved by anyone only to find, 11 years later that not only was he not weird, not an outcast, but someone special... someone looked up to and honored by his peers.

I'm sure everyone has felt like that at one time or another... that they didn't belong, that they just didn't fit into the world they lived in. And to imagine that something so magical could happen, that out of nowhere you could be swept off and placed into a world where everything just felt right... that is the story of Harry Potter.

It's a story of doing the right thing, no matter how hard it is. It's a story of standing up for what you believe to be true, even if an entire world is against you. It's a story of going for it... even when the odds seem stacked against you, and a story of unconditional love, of being willing to sacrifice a part of your own self to save those you care about.

The story itself is pure genius... to begin with a baby in a crib, who's life was saved by his mother giving up her own and to end... 17 years later... with that "baby" marching to what he believes to be his own death in order to save the lives of his friends.

The fact of whether Harry truly gives up his life or not is irrelevent... it's the fact that he was WILLING to, that is monumental.

Throughout Jr. High and High School Harry, Ron, Hermione, Hagrid, Neville, Luna, Cho, Cedric, Fred, George and Ginny were some of my closest friends. Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle were the school bullies, and Snape and Umbridge were those teachers you just couldn't stand.

For the past 13 years, Hogwarts has been real. So real that when I visted the train station in London I would not have been suprised to see oddly dressed children running in a dead sprint towards the column between platforms 9 & 10 in effort to make it onto Platform 9 3/4.

When I got my first house and discovered a family of owls living in the building behind it... I imagied them simply waiting for the call to deliver their next letter. I remember curling up in the chair on my back porch, reading the books while listening to the owls call to one another in the darkness -- it made everything seem even more real than it already was.

Over the past 13 years, the story of Harry Potter has been more real to me than many things.

I remember my disappointment with the first few HP films... I'm not sure if they've gotten better over the years or if my expectations have simply been adjusted and I've realized what they truly are meant to be. Either way, it is impossible to capture the magic that lies on the pages of those books, put them into a movie and expect the same type of impact -- it's just impossible.

So tonight, I am prepared to say goodbye to one of the best stories ever written. I am prepared to overlook the small details that don't line up with the book, and to fill in the gaps the film-makers miss.

I'm excited to see the reactions of those who don't know what's coming -- to watch some of the most "evil" characters become completely redeemed in the eyes of the viewers.

I am prepared to laugh, to cry, and to ultimatley walk out of that theater knowing that it's over.

Knowing that even if J.K.Rowling decides to ever write another Harry Potter book, it will be to keep the story alive for a second generation of readers, and not because there is more to be written.... because there isn't.

I'm grown up. It only makes sense that they should be grown up too.

Harry Potter's story, whether it is truly "over" or not, is complete -- when you turn to the last page of any true Harry Potter fan's copy of The Deathly Hallows I'm sure you will find tear stains on the pages... tear stains because it's over, because it could not have ended any better, but it's still over, just the same.

I expect the same reaction tonight when the credits roll and the lights come up -- there will be many tear stained faces, and a somber crowd will be exiting the theater, because they will all know, it truly is "The End".

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Days Drag On Forever...

... and this apartment never ends!

I swear, July is going by SO slowly! I feel like we've been at or around the 3-week mark for a while now, and we are both just so ready to move!

I was telling Rob last night -- it's not that the apartment is even that bad, because most days it's really not, it's that this upcoming move is so thought-consuming!

I wake up in the mornings, go feed the horses and... drive by the house, just to see if anyone's there.

Rob comes home at night and the first thing we do is... go see the house.

I am just SO ready to be moved in and to have my mind free to be consumed by other things. I'm so grateful that the Vegas convention for SOC is 2 weeks after we move in -- that gives us just enough time to get settled and then we will come back from Vegas pumped up and ready to really focus on SOC throughout the fall!

I can't wait!

We are either right at or a little past the 3-week mark now... and I'm hoping that once we hit the 2-week mark things will begin to go more and more quickly. We'll have to start packing and getting everything organized for the move, but now we are just kind of stuck in that "so close, and so far" stage!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Hanging out and Shopping :)

Rob and I had so much fun hanging out all day... this is probably the time we've spent all day together just the two of us in over a month, and we thouroughly enjoyed it :)

We used our free day to go all over town shopping for new things for the house -- we went to Home Depot, Lowes, Target, World Market, Wal Mart, and Bob Mills. Wow, busy day!!

We were looking for some patio furniture for our front porch, but really didn't find exactly what we were wanting so decided to just use what we have for the rest of this year and then buy what we really want when all the new stuff comes out next spring.

We did already purchase a new dining set for the front porch, which I found on clearance at Wal Mart of all places! I hardly ever shop there, but I happened to find this online and it's supposed to arrive the week before we move in! Perfect!!
We also went to Bob Mills looking for a new coffee table. We had a credit there from a deposit we put down on a bedroom suite several months ago but had changed our minds on.... and we knew we definitely wanted a new coffee table.

I love my living room tables, but the coffee table has all kinds of scratches on it. I've only had it about 4 years, but to be honest I just didn't take the best care of it back then!

I didn't want to replace all of our tables, so we decided to look at cocktail ottomans and found the most BEAUTIFUL one that looks like it was just made to go with our furniture -- the top is a chocolate colored leather, and the bottom is a wood that just matches our other tables almost perfectly. It's going to look great in our living room!

I couldn't find a picture of the exact one we got... but this one is close:

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Oh my goodness... our house looks like a house!!

This has probably been one of the most fun weeks of the building process. Of course, the framing was cool... but over the past week we have had the trim crew in our house sun-up to sun-down installing kitchen cabinets, baseboards, closet shelves, stair railing, doors and all kinds of other fun things!

Here are a few pictures of this week's progress:

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Locked and Loaded :)

We were finally able to lock in our interest rate today!! We are so excited because we were able to lock in at 4.62, which actually ended up being lower than what we were originally quoted 3 1/2 months ago.

It made our house payment go down a whole $20 each month! (Hey, every little bit counts... right?)

I guess that means the move is really happening.... in 3-4 weeks we will be OUT OF HERE and in our beautiful new home!

Can't wait :)

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

First Fourth of July at Vintage

This year was our family's first 4th of July at Vintage Township! They had a parade and we got to help the neighbors behind my parents' decorate their golf cart and the kids got to ride in it with them!

We had so much fun eating hot dogs and ice cream, playing in the water toys and hanging out with all of our new neighbors -- it kind of made up for the fact that there were no fireworks this year due to the drought.

I'm looking forward to many more years of 4th of Julys at Vintage :)

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Schneider-Ramirez Staycation

Last weekend my Mom decided to suprise my Dad by inviting his best friend from high school and his wife Marta over to the house for the night. Dad and Jeff hadn't seen each other in 20 years, so it was a HUGE suprise and they were both so excited (and confused) when they saw each other!

To help them out, Rob and I took Clay and Paige out for the night as well -- we stayed at the Arbor Inn and Suites here in town and had a LOT of fun!

Once we got checked into the hotel we went to see Cars 2 (hilarious, by the way!!) then went over to Vintage to see some of the parade homes.

The next morning we woke up and had Texas-shaped waffles on the patio then went to the pool for a couple of hours before heading back home!

It's things like this that make me SO glad we are able to still live in Lubbock -- I love hanging out with my brother and sister all the time... and especially since our age difference is so great, I would miss so much of them growing up if we didn't live here!

Friday, July 1, 2011

House Progress this Week!

On Monday, our house looked like this:

Today, it looks like this!!!
